Crafting & Small Business Tips

Welcome to our blog where we will post tips and tricks to help you get the best out of our craft expos. We will present practical advice to help your business become successful!

Sales Tips to sell MORE at Craft Fairs

February 2nd, 2023 by Arlette Mendenhall

Selling merchandise at craft fairs can be a great way to showcase your products and reach a new audience. However, competition can be fierce, so it’s important to make your products stand out from the crowd. Here are some tips to help you sell more merchandise at craft fairs: Presentation is key: Make sure your… [read more]

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Licensed product and dealing with Disney

September 16th, 2019 by Arlette Mendenhall

Probably one of the most difficult to deal with, Disney has very limited need for anyone else helping them sell their products. Most inquiries result in thanks but no thanks. Copyright and trademark laws state that you CANNOT make Disney items without a license. So any items made from say Disney fabric is not allowed…. [read more]

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Selling licensed products – the do’s and don’ts

August 17th, 2019 by Arlette Mendenhall

Consumers love having something made sporting their favorite team name or movie character. But crafter beware – unless you have obtained a license from the holder of that design, using it without that permission is ILLEGAL! What is a trademark A trademark can be applied to almost anything. A distinctive design, word, or logo that… [read more]

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All about Business cards and brochures

July 22nd, 2019 by Arlette Mendenhall

Business cards and brochures. What do they say about you and your business?  If done correctly they can say a lot. If done poorly they can say a lot also, but not necessarily what you want. Your business card is your customer’s first impression of you and your business and you want to make it… [read more]

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Marketing Resources – What’s best for me?

June 22nd, 2019 by Arlette Mendenhall

Now that you’ve decided to start your own business, how best should you go about marketing your products and services? There are several avenues that you can take but what is going to get you the greatest return on investment? Well, that depends upon your product and who your intended customer may be. The Printed… [read more]

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Selling your product, selling yourself.

May 26th, 2019 by Arlette Mendenhall

So you’ve spent hours and money making your products. You’ve invested in displays and props. You’ve ordered business cards, brochures, and even a website or e-commerce store. So now what? Do you sit back and wait? Absolutely not. Now you need to promote more than ever. And not just your product and services but also… [read more]

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Attracting the Customer to Your Booth or Display

April 23rd, 2019 by Arlette Mendenhall

Sounds simple right. But have you really taken a good look at your presentation? It may look good to you but what does the customer REALLY see. Too many vendors truly “flat line” when it comes to setting up their display. And I do mean flat line! How many times have you seen (or done… [read more]

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I’m new to the special events world. Help!

March 24th, 2019 by Arlette Mendenhall

Everyone at one time was a “newbie” to the world of special events. You already know you have a marketable item, but what next? Don’t be intimidated The first time you set up at a special event is always an intimidating experience. But it needn’t be. Be confident in the quality of your product. You’ve… [read more]

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How do I get a business license in Arizona?

February 22nd, 2019 by Arlette Mendenhall

You’ve determined that, yes you do indeed need a business license. Now what? Getting a business license in Arizona is a very simple process, and is at this time, a ONE TIME $12 fee. You will need to go to the Arizona Department of Revenue website and fill out an “Arizona Joint Tax Application (JT-1)…. [read more]

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Do I need a business license to sell my products?

January 25th, 2019 by Arlette Mendenhall

Generally YES, in most cases you will need a business license.  Arizona imposes a “transaction privilege tax” or TPT on the privilege of doing business in the State of Arizona. If you sell tangible personal property of ANY kind, including crafts and foods, you MUST  be licensed and pay the TPT or sales tax on… [read more]

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