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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a Business License?

Yes and no, if you are selling your own products or you buy products to re-sell you must have a business license. If you are selling from a direct sales company such as; Scentsy, Avon, Tupperware etc. you do not need a business license to set up at Cochise crafters events.

What’s included in my space?

In every Cochise Crafters event held at the Mall at Sierra Vista you will be provided 1 6ft table, 2 chairs and 1 table cover. Spaces are approx. 5’x8’. Limited electricity is available upon request on your application.
More FAQs

About Our Organization

Cochise Crafters host several Craft Fairs in Sierra Vista, Arizona showcasing crafters and home based/small businesses from the Sierra Vista surrounding area. Over the years, fees for vendor events and craft fairs have risen to the point of eliminating the hobby crafter and home based business owner. So many events are held outdoors, costing the small vendors to incur unnecessary expenses for canopies, tables, etc. Not to mention if weather is a factor, the entire event could be a complete loss.

Having personally experienced ALL of the above, I felt it was time to bring things back in line for the average crafter.

In addition, there are so many small home based businesses also trying to make their mark in the community. With the average brick and mortar storefront being cost prohibitive, it’s hard for the starter business to succeed.

Thus, the re-creation of Cochise Crafters. All of our events will be indoors, with tables and chairs provided where ever possible.

While there are expenses for every event to include space rent, insurance and advertising, our ultimate goal is to provide a well attended event at a reasonable cost to the vendor.

Questions or comments?
Contact us or email
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